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Installing .XAP files on your phone using an SD card

Some mobile operators offer apps in the form of a .XAP file on an SD card. If you've got a .XAP file on an SD card, here's how to install it on your phone.


If you're running Windows Phone 8.1 and your phone supports an SD card, you can install apps directly to your SD card instead of your phone's internal storage. These apps will show up in the App list just like your other apps and games.

To install apps and games from your phone's SD card

  1. Insert an SD card that contains one or more .XAP files into your phone.
  2. In the App list, tap Store Install Window10 In Your Window
  3. Tap More Install Window10 In Your Window, then tap Install local apps. (If you're running an earlier version of Windows Phone, look for the SD card option instead.)


    If you've just inserted the SD card or added the .XAP files, you might need to wait a few minutes before you can access your SD card from the Store.
  4. Select the apps you want, then tap Install.
  5. Installed apps appear in the App list. Depending on the specific app or game, you'll be able to use them as follows:
    • Free apps and games can be used immediately.
    • Paid apps and games that have a trial will be available as a trial version that you can purchase later.
    • Paid apps and games without a trial must be purchased before you can use them.

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